Tuesday, August 30, 2011


all this week i got sewing tests!! and I broke down and cried in class today because the tests seems quiet impossible to accomplish!!... sewing straight or in curves under a minute with no mistakes!! Sound simple but trustme it aint!! argh!!! I need wine and whine :P 
here is snaps of what i've been up to!!... lots of pics from bus travels from home to my course!!..

pics from walks to Mt Wellington summit!! woooo
Jamie and Uly

I just love my face here ahahahah

pics from bus rides and just me....
I like to draw on wine corks!!

mmmm wine wine wine

Painting from @ my fave Japanese place
Chicken Katsu mmmmm

Adios Amigos and wish me luck with my tests xxx

Monday, August 1, 2011


been so busy and tired, since i started my sewing course.... getting up super early been a bit of a shock to my system hehe.. no more late nights!!.. slowly sorting out my sleeping pattern..
been enjoying my course and slowly upgrading my sewing skills!!...
been drinking lots of wine and complaining about life and giving myself haircuts.. no spare time for op shopping anymore :(

here is some pics of my boring life....

Finally tamed my beast.. i love my sewing machine now :)

 Gave myself a haircut.... and this is how it looks like now

 self portrait and a cartoon version of me done by my awesum friend Doug...
i love hot baths!!!...
View from the bus...

Sad key...


Mexican style breakfast cooked by Jamie... num num num
a hoody I forgotten i had.. i love the pattern
mmm mm wine get in my belly